Monday, September 19, 2016

Why Not All Dance Practice is Created Equal

Practice makes perfect.

The age-old saying often goes in one ear and out the other. It can be brought up in any number of situations, including art, math, golf, dance, you name it!

But is it true?

Studies Have Shown it Takes 10,000 Hours to Master a Skill.

Breaking it down, that’s about 90 minutes a day for 20 years that a student needs to study a skill to master it. There is an important distinction to be made here – it needs to be 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. That means that for someone to master dance, they must be using their practice time diligently to zero in on problem areas and eliminate them.

Practice Makes Permanent.

Repeating a physical motion creates something called ‘muscle memory.’ It can be very hard to unlearn a bad habit that has become muscle memory because it was practiced incorrectly. Deliberate, intentional dance practice can be hard to do alone.  A dancer can use the assistance of mirrors and video recordings of themselves, but there is no substitute to the trained eye of a dance instructor.

A dance teacher is an invaluable tool for new and even veteran dancers. Dance teachers have the training and skill needed to help a dancer practice deliberately and intentionally to blossom into the dancer they have the ability to become.

If you would like to see your child succeed in dance, giving them the gift of lessons with an experienced and knowledgeable dance instructor is one of the best ways you can help nurture their talent.

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