Thursday, October 27, 2016

After the First Dance Class

The First Dance Class Is Over. Now What?
So, your child had her first dance class. It was everything you had hoped for, and she is thrilled and won’t stop twirling around the living room. There are a ton of articles and blog posts out there that are all about first class jitters, but hardly anyone talks about what to expect once the first class is over. What happens next?

Each Class Builds on Itself
This means that sometimes a new technique, step, or move introduced in class can challenge your child, but that’s a good thing. Overcoming adversity and learning to persevere are two great life skills that your child will learn in class. The dance instructor has your child’s best interest at heart and wants to see her master the skills she needs to perform at her best during her first recital. 

Like All Classes, Dance Has its Ups and Downs
Even if your child lives and breathes dancing, sometimes they may have an off day. A bad day at school or a fight with a sibling can set any child off, leading to them wanting to skip dance class. If you encounter a day like this, encourage your child to try to go into class anyway, and more often than not they will be happy they did! Dance (and any form of physical exercise) is proven to elevate a person’s mood, and can be a great relief from life’s problems.

The First Recital

For many dancers, all the work that they’ve put in for the year leads to their big recital. Your child may be nervous, excited, or a combination of both. Recitals are an amazing way to help children face fears of speaking in public, as well as a way to help cope with stress. Many children who are nervous before they go on end up exhilarated once the performance is over, asking, “When can I do it again?” Be there to support your child, but also take a moment to enjoy the finish to a successful year!

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